Let us dig deepah.. corruption in the Phils.
Enough with all the blabber about the its-all-the-leader's-fault-because-he's-corrupt mentality. It's clear to see that corruption is on a "trend" with our society today. Stashing some money from the student government's budget, buying votes, doing "mokong" in the jeepney, or even cheating itself is manifesting corruption (chos).
By the way, corruption is actually defined as the use of public office for private gain.Or for more specificity, it is the Wrongdoing on the part of an authority or powerful party through the means that are illegitimate, immoral or incompatible with ethical standards. So that's it, that is corruption. But what I meant is that, I'me getting tired of filipinos always blaming and blaming and blaming. I'm sure you've heard of "utak talangka" or the crab mentality trait of filipinos. And yes, this is a very problematic inherent quality that blocks our country-the Philippines in to becoming a successful nation.
Of course I can't deny the fact that a lot of our leaders are corrupted. As proven by the prestigious(joke:P) list of most corrupt countries in the world by the Philippine Star last 2010, we rank fourth. And that is why I am thankful with our latest president Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III that he had done what he said he would do with our corruption problem in the Philippines. And now, our transparency rate has improved. But how do we maintain this? Are we just gonna place these in the hands of the government? All of these?

Let us believe in the saying that it all involves with beginning from ourselves. I mean, many presidents have ruled over Philippines and yet, the problem of corruption has not yet been solved. Why is this? I start to wonder. The Filipinos (we) have already done people power 1 people, power 2, and people power 3 (and I believe people power 4 will make me sick na) but still, nothing significant has actually been changed (except for the people power 1 of course). Maybe it is because the people themselves are corrupt, or shall we say dishonest too. I also have done a few dishonest things myself and I am not proud of it but now, I resolved to do what I can and avoid making things that will make me corrupted. Really, it all starts with ourselves.
"thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle..."
-Siddhartha Gautama
Honesty is still the best policy. And if we try our BEST with being honest, I think corruption then will never be a problem. I am saddened as well as angry by our election situation today, especially here in Mindanao. Lots of running candidates are buying votes for their sure win in the elections. Dear reader, If you have received P100 or P500 or whatever for his/her vote do you think that sneaky candidate will serve the country with pure honesty? Hello? please wake up, this is for our country's sake. (so definitely, it is for your sake too). Please vote WISELY.